Bengaluru, India 🇮🇳

Nishant Upadhyay

UX/UI Designer

Hey there, I'm Nishant! I am on a quest to travel while working because that motivates me. I love tennis and meeting new folks. Listening to music all day is my thing.
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Where are you based as a UX/UI designer?

I am based out of Bengaluru, India, and soon will be moving to Mumbai as soon as covid restrictions start to loosen up.

What led you into UX/UI design?

Curiosity about how it was all designed and why does it matter led me to study and learn more about the design thinking and so landed myself into the world of design and psychology, i.e. UXD.

While reading User Friendly by Cliff Kuang and Robert Fabricant I came to understand how a single perspective changes everything, and in order to know that perspective, you need to explore different human behaviors.

Thus, I started my curiosity into every little scope of design.

Why are you a UX/UI designer?

When I realized how our effort in designing anything for people helps them and creates a significant impact in their lives, It motivated me to do more in this field and I started my actual journey to do my best in making lives easier. Though my passions for art and design combined with my education in computer science might resonate with UX/UI design, the understanding of human behavior and designing machines for them is what continuously keeps intriguing me to work as a UX/UI designer.

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What does a typical day look like for you?

The most loved question, I start my day at 6am, followed by a morning workout routine 5 days a week. Then, I shower to kick off my day with a healthy and fresh body and mind 🙂.

With breakfast, I take out some time to read my current book 📓, which walks me to my work setup. I start my work at 10am, and then have a lunch break from 1-2pm, with a few coffee breaks in between.

In the evening, after finishing my work, I take a break and talk to family and friends –– it's important isn't it? after sunset I get back to my book and social media and think about dinner 😃.

Finally, I cook my dinner and eat while watching something on my laptop or with my friend. Then if I have some time left, I read or learn something before I go to bed around 11 or sometimes 11:30pm. I sleep and wake up to repeat this cycle, which I break every weekend to have something new in life 🤗.

What is your current desk setup?

Alright, tiring times call for no more chair –– instead, a bean bag has jumped in 💺 I have a low-height table with a lamp, which has various shades for reading. And yes a bag which Phantom, my cat, loves to jump in and out of 😽 😆.

What work are you most proud of?

A collaboration I worked on during the first Memorisely challenge where I teamed up with Amy Lima and Bai to come up with a solution for the fatigue problem due to Zoom meetings all day.

It was challenging but fun, and a learning adventure which lasted for a month ending with a good solution (credit to our team 🙂).

Which Product recently blew your socks off?

FigJam by figma, definitely. Easy to use, makes you feel the same environment as Figma so you are still in your zone and gives you freedom to do anything in there.

And yeah, easy peasy collaboration tool 😉

What challenges do you face as a UX/UI Designer?

To start, there is lack of resources –– and by resources I don't mean tutorials, but useful resources.

For example, one most important step during a product's growth is Design System and one can not simply find resources to learn about it. Sessions about its importance are not enough.

Another challenge I face is the handoff to developers; explaining how developers can use high fidelity designs.

So, I am trying to figure out a way to create an intro demo system which can explain how one can use CSS, styles and constraints without learning explicitly via some video tutorial.

What tunes do you listen to whilst designing?

Oooooh I love listening to music, specially whilst designing or doing any work.

Here is the playlist I listen to everyday, Goldmine

Three suggestions for budding designers?

  1. Get some fresh air 🌳 at least twice a day to avoid exhaustion from work 😑
  2. Spare some time to read books and so learn with avoiding screen time (double benefits 😉)
  3. never step down from the opportunity to collaborate with other designers –– talk and learn from them 🤝

Thanks for reading my story!

Bengaluru, India 🇮🇳

Nishant Upadhyay

UX/UI Designer

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