Southampton, UK 🇬🇧

Rae Johnson

UX Designer at Lobo Creative

Hi! I'm Rae, and I'm a UX Designer at Lobo Creative! When I'm not at work, you'll find me at my local CrossFit box, exploring new places, or grabbing a coffee with friends ☕️
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Where are you from, and/or are you based as a Memorisely student?

Home for me is in Southampton, UK. However, I try to spend as much time as possible in my campervan. For the duration of the Memorisely course, I'll mainly be studying from home. Still, I'll also escape to Dorset and Cornwall when I need a break and a sea view!

What inspired you to pursue UX/UI and become a designer?

Coming from a psychology and health research background, I knew my skills would lend themselves well to being a UX Designer. Jumping into a completely new industry was a daunting prospect. Still, I've always enjoyed painting, sketching and using my creative brain, so I was driven to integrate this love into my work. Frequently using the web for almost everything, I often thought about how the experience and appearance of the sites I visited could be improved. Therefore, it felt natural to explore a career as a UX Designer!

Which Bootcamp did you choose to enrol in, and why?

I've enrolled in the UX/UI Design course with Memorisely, and I can't wait to get started ⚡️At the time of writing, I've been in the industry as a UX Designer for ten months. I know I've still got a lot to learn, and the course seemed like the best way to plug the gaps in my knowledge.

Additionally, as I work for a small company, it's super helpful to have diverse skillset. Therefore, I'm looking forward to learning UI techniques to dip into this business.

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What will a typical day look like for you as a student?

I'll be studying alongside work, so my day will be pretty much the same as usual. To kickstart the morning, I'll head to the box for a CrossFit workout before coming home and having a coffee with my second breakfast. I check in with my colleagues on Slack, view my tasks for the day on Click Up and then crack on with work! My lunch break is an hour long, which affords time to eat and have a decent nap!

After work, when I'm not on the class zoom calls, I'll try to plough through the reading list and task work. It's going to be an intense but exciting few months ahead! 🤓

What is your current workspace setup?

I primarily work from home, and my workspace is pretty standard, really… MacBook, monitor, keyboard, mouse … Nano brick model of Tokyo tower 🗼

What (digital or physical) product recently blew your socks off?

I found my absolute favourite coffee mug in a homeware store in Crans, Montana, whilst skiing in Switzerland earlier this year. The Crumple Cup, made in France by Revol, is beautifully smooth and moulds perfectly to the shape of your hand, affording the most comfortable and effortless coffee-drinking experience! Its shape and style are made of ceramic, which reminds me of the red plastic cups seen at house parties in American films.

Revol also made an expresso-sized version of this cup, which I bought. After all, when you're awestruck by a product, you always need to buy it in every size!

What tunes do you listen to while designing?

I often find music with English lyrics too distracting to work! I tend to stick to classical music or songs in other languages. Konstantinos Argiros repeatedly crops up on my Spotify at the moment!

Share three pieces of advice for fellow and/or future students?

  1. Stay humble - leave your ego at the door.
  2. Think for yourself. It can be easy to lose sight of this in a busy world full of fake news, plagiarism and conformity. In the words of Socrates, 'The mind is everything; what you think you become.
  3. Be kind. Always.

Thanks for reading my story!

Southampton, UK 🇬🇧

Rae Johnson

UX Designer at Lobo Creative

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